“I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library.”
- Jorge Luis Borges
Every child should have an opportunity to read. Today one in three children entering kindergarten lack the basic skills they need to learn to read and two-thirds of fourth graders do not read at grade level. Where do we start? With our young readers! They must read at home and have books available to them in their surroundings. The goal of Rolling Pin Reading Rooms will be to create a space for children in underserved areas for children to read and receive books.
Literacy is a global crisis which impacts every community, but particularly those in underserved areas where jobs, homelessness, food insecurity and lack of education impact our children. We can start with young children by sharing books and planting seeds for the next generations. Help donate books today!
We need your help to create a Rolling Pin Reading Room.
We Need A Space
Do you know of a space in a library or community center or local center that families or children could walk to easily to read or get books?
We Need Funds
Are you a business or foundation that could support the creation of this space? Please put us in touch. We even plan to create rolling pin benches for children to sit on to read with slots for books. If you want to designate funds for a bench let us know.
Buy An Extra Book
When you buy a book, you can buy an extra one and we will make sure it goes to the Rolling Pin reading room for a child.
“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.”
- Margaret Fuller
The Nation’s report card, National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP, 2023) reported last year that not even half of fourth graders (43%) are at or above a proficient level in reading. And for marginalized students, those who are black (17%), Latino (21%), disabled (11%) or multilingual (10%) the data is worse.
Literacy is one of the major civil rights issues of our time and those fourth graders may never catch up and be able to function effectively in a literate society. Research decades old reveals that when students receive systematic and explicit instruction they will learn to read. When they have access to texts that are rich with diverse characters like themselves, they become engaged readers.
In Houston, like other large cities, there are underserved areas with families that suffer in poverty, food insecurity and may not have close access to a library or funds for books for young children. While children do not need to read by the time they enter Kindergarten; children who are read to more often will develop a larger vocabulary and more comprehension (Mol & Bus, 2001). Research has found that reading storybooks to children is one of the most important activities for developing the knowledge required for eventual success in reading. However, in underserved communities many children do not go to kindergarten, have books at home or access to books.
There are several benefits of reading:
• Build language skills.
• Develop empathy.
• Emotional awareness
• Improve writing skills.
• Self-discovery
• Learn new things.
• Builds focus and concentration.
• Parents and children connect.
• Sharpens the mind.
There is certainly overwhelming evidence that almost all children can learn to read. Given the proper tools and access children can be successful. The mission of Rolling Pin Reading Rooms is to create a space for children in underserved areas to have access to books to read, to be read and/or to receive books of their own. With the support of grants or foundations, and individuals who want to contribute it is our hope that we will be able to create multiple locations in underserved areas of Houston and outlying rural areas that have limited access to books for children. If you know of a foundation that supports literacy or you are interested in our mission or a location that could benefit, please send me an email with the details.
There is important work to be done to change the state of literacy in America. We must begin today!